Five high school students from different walks of life endure a Saturday detention under power-hungry principal, Miguel Aldana. The disparate group includes rebel Jon Sortland, outcast Tahiti...
First new material in four years. Lyrically, these ten songs address the interlocked themes of lost time, frustrated desire, and the need for others. Although musically these may be the group's most...
180-gram audiophile black vinyl. Days of the New is the American rock band from Charlestown, Indiana, formed in 1995. The band consists of vocalist/guitarist Travis Meeks and a variety of supporting...
From Boston, Massachusetts came this powerful young US AOR/Hard Rock band, born in 1977 as a result of the gathering of guitarist/singer John Fannon, keyboardist Jimmy Waldo, drummer Hirsh Gardner...
Vinyl LP repressing of this Psyche classic from 1970 including digital download. Fuzz guitar, minor-chord organ dirges, tender vocals and monumental bass are the calling cards of this private press...