Celebrate the 50th anniversary of this Oscar(R)-winning musical adaptation of Charles Dickens classic tale! Young Oliver (Mark Lester) is an orphan who escapes the cheerless life of the workhouse and...
Know that saying about a person who "doesn't suffer fools gladly"? That defines Maine schoolteacher Olive Kitteridge (Frances McDormand), whose colorful life and times are chronicled in this...
Alcoholic Calvin cons his way into a job tending the grounds of a hillside mansion owned by the reclusive Jack. On the night Calvin stumbles into a bathroom to see Jack with a gun to his head, an...
Umbrella Entertainment proudly presents the long awaited WORLD PREMIERE Blu-ray RELEASE of this iconic psychological chiller - pithily described by it's star, Hayley Mills, as "Polyanna stalked by a...
Blu Ray pressing. Serenity, the action-packed event that delivers thrilling non-stop adventure, incredible battles in dangerous worlds and spectacular visual effects, is now available containing...