An American theatrical manager discovers a Swiss skater preparing for the Olympics in Switzerland and brings her to Madison Square Garden to make her a star on the ice show circuit. The Hollywood...
In prehistoric times, young caveman Tumak (Victor Mature) was banished by his people for defying the authority of his chieftain father (Lon Chaney, Jr.). Fending for himself, he wins the heart of...
When Kristen Balouch was ten years old, her parents made a surprising announcement: their whole family was going on a trip to plant trees! Kristen, her sisters, and her mom and dad-and their pet,...
In this vivid view of prehistoric life, a man from the mean-spirited Rock People (John Richardson) is banished from his home. He soon finds himself among the kind, gentle Shell People and falls in...
The "Backstreet Boys: Greatest Hits: Chapter One" home video includes the videos of every smash hit available on the audio package. This program will feature a music video for an all new song that...