In 1953, Stan Laurel (Steve Coogan) and Oliver Hardy (John C. Reilly)-aging, ailing, their day as cinema's eminent comedy duo well behind them-sought to reverse their fortunes with a music-hall tour...
In the vein of spoof cinema like Austin Powers and the Scary Movie franchise, Stan Helsing lampoons contemporary film audiences' never-ending fascination with what makes our blood curdle. In the...
DEUCE BIGELOW star Rob Schneider ventures behind the camera for the first time for this comedy. Schneider also plays Stan, a convicted criminal who is headed for prison. In an effort to stay safe...
'The Aryton Senna Story - He was born into a wealthy Brazilian family. He competed in 161 Grand Prix over ten years. And he took 64 Pole Positions, winning a massive 41 of them. He has been described...