With only hours until D-Day, a team of American paratroopers drop into Nazi-occupied France to carry out a mission that's crucial to the invasion's success. Tasked with destroying a radio transmitter...
UFOs, Aliens, Men in Black, Government conspiracies and agendas. Like many people, Tom Keating thought that those things were the product of delusional minds and crackpots and was a skeptic himself...
Why are Aliens so widespread in ancient tradition, mythology, religion and even now in our modern age? The truth can be found within the mind's connection to other realms. We can access this 'dark'...
The Mossad had installed agent Rachel (Diane Kruger) in Tehran with cover as an English teacher and tasked her with the sabotage of electronics ticketed for Iranian intelligence's use. However, she...
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but obtaining that knowledge is even more dangerous for a Civil War spy. Marion Davies portrays the Union agent codenamed Operator 13, whose work behind enemy...