Prokofiev's imaginative orchestration has made the ballet Romeo and Juliet world-famous, primarily through the orchestral suites as opposed to the ballet as a whole. Unmistakably a child of the...
In recent years the Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg has made an impact with it's recordings for Warner Classics and Erato: of major works by Berlioz and Jancek, and of a wealth of shorter...
[Note: This product is an authorized CD-R and is manufactured on demand] ROMEO & JULIET FANTASY OVERTURE IN F MAJOR OP. 641. Romeo and Juliet, Fantasy Overture in F Major, Op. 64
Orchestre Philharmonique De Mo Les Ballets De Monte-Carlo 1 CD1. Scheherazade, Op. 35: La Mer Et Le Bateau de Sindbad-Largo E Maestoso-Lento-Allegro Non Troppo... - Ronald Patterson 2. Scheherazade,...