Dawn presents Mike Osborne in both his earliest surviving recording, as a co-leader with John Surman of a quartet from 1966, and in 1970 with the first known recordings of his mighty trio with the...
Live solo piano in Great Britain 1971.1. If Dreams Come True 2. Basin Street Blues 3. Corrine, Corrina 4. Delmar Drag 5. Keepin' Out of Mischief Now 6. Handful of Keys 7. It Must Be True 8. Aunt...
Osborne,Anders Live At Tipitina'S CD1. Oh Mama 2. Louisiana Rain 3. Pleasin' You 4. Hell in Harlem 5. Blame It on a Few 6. Tasteless 7. Fine Line 8. Trippin' in Montana 9. Jesus on the Mainline 10...