Pax / Abbey / Monks Of Saint Benoit Gregorian Chants On The Theme Of Peace CD1. Antienne : In Viam Pacis VII 1 :56 2. Intro?t : Da Pacem I 2 :57 3. Intro?t : Loquetur Dominus III 4 :25 4. Intro?t :...
Cantus Mariales / Monks Of Saint-Benoit Abbey Gregorian Chant CD1. Memorare 2. Inviolata 3. O Maria Mater Pia 4. O Virgo Pulcherrima 5. Concordi L Tita 6. Tota Pulchra Es 7. Salve Mire Creatura 8...
Benedictine Monks Gregorian Chants CD1. Christus Natus Est 2. Christe Redemptor 3. Hodie Christus Natus Est 4. Litany of Easter Eve 5. Gloria 6. Exultet 7. Salve Festa Dies 8. Surrexit Dominus Vere 9...
The monks of Solesmes celebrate the birth of Jesus at Vigils, Midnight Mass, and the Mass of the Day with Gregorian Chant. In Christmas- The Night Office Vigils the monks of Solesmes celebrate the...
Known throughout the world as the leading masters of Gregorian chant, the monks of Solesmes present a 2-album set that includes "Learning about Gregorian Chant" and "Gregorian Chant Rediscovered"...