1. Come Bring with a Noise 2. Drive the Cold Winter Away 3. Love Is a Bauble 4. Cuckoo 5. The Loving Couple 6. Love's Holy Day 7. Come Follow Your Leader Follow 8. The Swimming Lady 9. Hunsdon House 10. The Lancashire Cuckold 11. There Were Three Ravens 12. Watkin's Ale / Grimstock 13. Death By Custard 14. Tomorrow the Fox / Trenchmore 15. The West Country Delight 16. Ham House 17. Thinkst Thou Then 18. The Infallible Doctor / the Gun 19. Fine Knacks for Ladies 20. The Great Bels of Oesney 21. Good Morrow Gossip Joan 22. My Robin Is to the Greenwood Gone / the Earl of Essex Measur 23. Since First I Saw Your Face 24. The Hunting of the Coney / Room for Cuckolds 25. Christmas' Lamentation 26. Love for Love: Danc'd in the Play 27. Old Christmas Return'd