Paris1910. Emile a shy movie projectionist and Raoul a colorful inventor find themselves embarked on the hunt for a monster terrorizing citizens. They join forces with Lucille the big-hearted star of...
Tony½ Award-winning Broadway musical, inspired by the Oscar½ winning film, tells the impassioned story of love in the 'City of Light'. Jerry Mulligan is an American GI struggling as a painter in a...
An animated delight! - John Anderson, Newsday This Academy Award-nominated* adventure is a beautifully hand-drawn caper set in the shadow-drenched alleyways of Paris. Dino is a cat that leads a...
BEWARE! A MONSTER IS LOOSE! Author Charles Regnier returns to 1896 Paris after exotic travels, having written a bestseller which the Ministry of Justice would like to ban. That very night, an...