Carnage Park (2016) - Blu-ray - After botching an ill-conceived bank robbery in a desolate California town, two wannabe crooks flee the scene with a hostage and lead the local lawmen on a dangerous...
The brontosaurus-sized blockbuster from director Steven Spielberg, based on Michael Crichton's best-seller and set on a Central American island where millionaire John Hammond (Richard Attenborough)...
Import Blu-ray/Region All pressing. Based on the novel by Blake Nelson, Paranoid Park tells the troubled story of Alex (Gabe Nevins), a Portland high school student who loves to skateboard. But after...
Murder, seduction and intrigue in the Kremlin! Adapted by Dennis Potter (Dreamchild) from the bestselling novel by Martin Cruz Smith, Gorky Park is a gripping and brilliant thriller starring screen...