Richard (Thomas Jane), Ron (Jeremy Piven), Tim (Christian McKay), and Jonathan (Rob Lowe) are friends from college who gather for a weekend each year to celebrate their friendship and catch up with...
Almost from the moment it landed in theaters with a resounding thud, Paul Verhoeven's glossy and explicit 1995 Vegas melodrama "Showgirls" carved it's niche as one of Hollywood's most notorious...
Besides particularly cruel bullying in high school, North Dublin teenager Char (Hazel Doupe) was regularly confronted with the depressive behavior of her infirm mother Angela (Carolyn Bracken). One...
An all-woman rock quartet found the misfortune of blowing a tire between bar gigs becoming far, far worse after they're lured to an auto scrapyard... that doubles as a gladiator arena for yahoos...
''Based on the acclaimed memoir by renowned guitarist Andy Summers, Can t Stand Losing You: Surviving The Police follows Summers journey from his early days in the psychedelic 60's music scene, when...