This popular drama following the lives of the Salinger family returns for an extraordinary fourth season. Charlie (Matthew Fox) copes with treatment for his cancer and deals with other obstacles in...
In the final season of this popular drama series the Salinger family deals with the hardships of living after the loss of their parents. Charlie (Matthew Fox TV's "Lost") and Kirsten (Paula Devicq...
The Salinger's are back! America's favorite family returns for the second, critically acclaimed season of Party of Five. Join Bailey (Scott Wolf), Charlie (Matthew Fox), Julie (Neve Campbell) and...
The Salinger's return for Season Five of this popular series. Julia (Neve Campbell, Scream) finds herself in an abusive relationship. Charlie (Matthew Fox, TV's "Lost") and Bailey (Scott Wolf, Go)...
Airing on Fox from 1994 to 2000, this popular drama series followed the struggles of the five Salinger siblings to keep their family together after their parents are killed in an auto accident.