In this captivating road movie, a French woman finds liberation in the dusty highways, wide open spaces, and smoky barroms of the great American West. Diane Kruger stars as Romy, a Parisian who,...
There he is, Navy jet 8255. And there's Trans States 17 converging head on! A tense air traffic controller knows the sky is full of danger as two aircraft ' a Navy jet flying east and an airliner...
The film, Holes in the Sky: The Sean Miller Story is a 2021 feature film exploring a documentary film crew's efforts to make a movie detailing the 2013 alien abduction of Illinois resident Sean...
Chris Cooper, Jake Gyllenhaal, Laura Dern. A young boy in a 1950s mining town seeks to pursue his dreams of building rocket ships with the help of his science teacher. 1999/color/108...
How far would a mother go to save her child? To the Edge of the Sky is about four moms whose sons are diagnosed with the degenerative Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a fatal disease that's the No. 1...