In the Lower East Side of the '50s, young couple Suze (Andrea Riseborough) and Arthur (Harry Melling) happened on the neighborhood greaser gang known as the Young Gents during a homicidal beating...
This classic movie is a 1947 American film directed by George Marshall and is a fictionalized account of silent film star Pearl White's rise to fame, starring Betty Hutton. The original 1914...
Her "Star Trek" movie spec script completed, young autistic woman Wendy (Dakota Fanning) plans to submit it to an upcoming screenwriting contest. Realizing there's no time to mail it, Wendy decides...
Earth is in great peril. Invading aliens attempt conquest by taking over peoples' bodies at death. They then use them as tools for their invasion plans. A well-made, somber piece of sci-fi with a...
Have you heard the term "Bitcoin" but are not sure what it means? Don't worry, this new documentary breaks down Bitcoin and the idea of digital currency so anyone can understand! Get ready to learn...