The new "sub-series" of PAW Patrol will take viewers to an unexpected, extraordinary and chivalrous medieval universe. But encounters with dukes, princesses, knights and even dragons are no picnic...
Paw Patrol Rescue Pack PAW PATROL is a CG, action-adventure preschool series starring a pack of six heroic puppies: Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble, and Skye, who are led by a tech-savvy...
Get ready for an Ultimate Ruff-Ruff Rescue! Gear up with Marshall and his team as they roll out in the Ultimate Fire Truck to cool off a fire-breathing robot. Then, join Skye, Chase, Rocky and Zuma...
Get ready to zoom back to Barkingburg with the pups in this all-new TV movie! When the scheming DUKE of Flappington steals a powerful levitation gem from the royal castle, it's up to the PAW Patrol...