The furry first responders make their way to the big screen at last, as Ryder (voiced by Will Brisbane) and the pups answer a plea to set up shop in Adventure City, where the clueless Mayor Humdinger...
A hard-on-his-luck hound Hank (Michael Cera) finds himself in a town full of cats who need a hero to defend them from a ruthless villain's (Ricky Gervais) evil plot to wipe their village off the map...
It's been ten years since the creation of the Great Truce, an elaborate joint-species surveillance system designed and monitored by cats and dogs to keep the peace when conflicts arise. But when a...
Blu-ray/DVD COMBO. Loosely based on the lives of the Cistercian monks of Tibhirine in Algeria, from 1993 until their kidnapping in 1996, OF GODS AND MEN tells a story of eight French Christian monks...
With little respect for their superiors, and even less for the law, garbage collectors Charlie Sheen (Wall Street, Platoon) and Emilio Estevez (Young Guns, The Breakfast Club) have made trouble a way...