Six contestants win a competition to appear on a LIVE reality TV show at a secret location in rural England. The next ten hours will be spent on a paranormal Investigation with a TV crew searching...
The surprise hit blend of suspense, romance, and fantasy stars Patrick Swayze as New York banker Sam Wheat, who is killed during a mugging and returns to Earth with a mission: find his murderer and...
Yoshimitsu (Hiroshi Fujioka), a 400-year-old samurai "iceman," has been dormant for over three centuries. Escaping from the scientific institution where he was thawed out, Yoshimitsu attempts to use...
The lawless career of vicious desperado FRANK CLEMENTS is about to end. But as the hangman's noose tightens around his neck, the most feared outlaw of 1888 shouts a curse of revenge on the town...