'Enola Holmes 2' is a mystery film based on the young adult fiction series of the same name by Nancy Springer. Serving as a sequel to the 2020 film 'Enola Holmes', it is written by Jack Thorne and...
Original soundtrack to the 2015 motion picture. Daniel Pemberton is an Ivor Novello winning and multi-BAFTA nominated composer. Previously well known for his highly acclaimed work in British...
Pemberton,Daniel King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword / O.S.T. CD1. From Nothing Comes a King 2. King Arthur: Legend of the Sword 3. Growing Up Londinium 4. Jackseye's Tale 5. The Story of Mordred 6...
The Bad Guys is a 2022 animation feature film by DreamWorks Animation. Directed by Pierre Perifel, the film stars Sam Rockwell, Richard Ayoade, Zazie Beetz, Alex Borstein and Awkwafina amongst others...