A documentary and performance film by award-winning director Mark Kidel, one of the world's leading directors of music programmes, features an illuminating documentary profile of one of the world's...
This DVD documentary looks at the often strange world of Thai music, with it's juxtapositions of Thai tradition and Western pop, and it's connections with both Buddhism and the criminal underworld...
Hollywood superstars Lauren Bacall and Gregory Peck are dynamic in this light and energetic performance. Mags Church (Cecilia Peck, Torn Apart) is an aspiring artist about to get her first Manhattan...
Portraits & The Music: Music Linked / Various Portraits & The Music: Music Linked / Various CD1. Chapel Keithack - Alison Kinnaird 2. Ode on the Death of Francois II - Brian Miller 3. Sean...
A record collector hustles for a big score while his roommate tries to erase a terrible mistake, a teenager deals with her best friend's new relationship, and a rookie reporter and her metal-head...