Atmospheric Mexican shocker is set at a creepy old monastery where Padre Prior (Paco Mart?nez) relays a tale to lost travelers Eduardo (Carlos Villatoro), his wife Cristina (Marta Roel), and their...
For Claire and Robert Williams (Gayle Hunnicut, David Hemmings), their marriage had been hanging by a thread since the drowning death of their young son-and after her institutionalization, they...
A rarely seen gem from Peter Sellers' later film career, this harrowing drama is based on Jean-Paul Cl?bert's novel "Le Blockhaus" (itself loosely inspired by a true story) and follows a group of...
An accountant (Paul Scofield) in need of extra office help was pleased-initally-with his hire of the productive and capable Bartleby (John McEnery). That would change to his confusion and...
On the surface, it would appear model Diane Shepherd (Sarah Douglas) had it all-fine house, beloved son, prosperous husband (Julian Glover). You wouldn't have to delve deep, however, to discover the...