An accused traitor attempts to clear his name is this "taut, lean film noir" (AllMovie. Com) directed by Richard Fleischer (The Narrow Margin) and starring Bill Williams (Deadline at Dawn) and...
Clay (as in the title) is a young man in a small town who witnesses his friend kill himself because of the ongoing affair that Clay was having with the man's wife.
Policeman Don Lee often works with informants but numerous close calls and failed missions cause him to see the world as one betrayal after another Then he meets Guy, and is given a second chance to...
This special release brings together two compelling works showing the dramatic range of Lauren Cuthbertson, and The Royal Ballet. Internationally acclaimed choreographer Cathy Marston, previously...
Samuel Fuller's little-seen thriller involves a detective who goes undercover to stop the group of seedy, drug-dealing blackmailers responsible for his partner's murder. Glenn Corbett, Christa Lang...