Pimpernel Smith is a 1941 British anti-Nazi thriller starring Leslie Howard. The film helped real-life Raoul Wallenberg to mount his rescue operation in Budapest which saved tens of thousands of...
In pre-war Germany, the Third Reich was pleased that the esteemed Cambridge archeology professor Horatio Smith (Leslie Howard, who directed) sought to excavate significant Aryan artifacts near the...
Amidst Robespierre?s Reign of Terror, when the guillotine was always at the ready, the Scarlet Pimpernel (Richard E. Grant) defies the Revolutionaries to rescue the innocent. Yet the Pimpernel?s...
Director Steven Spielberg's wild comedy about about wild Bill Keso, the gung-ho fighter pilot who can't wait to get his hands on the enemy... if only he could find them. Lavish effects sequences...