In the Lower East Side of the '50s, young couple Suze (Andrea Riseborough) and Arthur (Harry Melling) happened on the neighborhood greaser gang known as the Young Gents during a homicidal beating...
Her "Star Trek" movie spec script completed, young autistic woman Wendy (Dakota Fanning) plans to submit it to an upcoming screenwriting contest. Realizing there's no time to mail it, Wendy decides...
Earth is in great peril. Invading aliens attempt conquest by taking over peoples' bodies at death. They then use them as tools for their invasion plans. A well-made, somber piece of sci-fi with a...
The USA has a severe problem: a lack of open sexuality and eroticism in Film and TV. After the Hays Code had faded away, Hollywood exploited the newly found freedom in films like Basic Instinct and...
This offbeat crime thriller features a pre-"Perry Mason" Raymond Burr playing attorney Craig Carlson, who falls for client Myra Leeds (Angela Lansbury), a woman charged with killing her husband. Myra...