Eddie Constantine, Howard Vernon. A rousing action movie that could be Eddie's best film next to ALPHAVILLE. As a tough federal agent, Eddie's up to his badge in everything from gold smugglers to...
When country-girl Daisy Brookes heads off to college, she finds herself thrust into a clique of young femme fatales known as Ivy Society. These Lolitas may appear harmless, but they have a grisly...
Fendermen Poison Ivy CD1. Heartbreak 2. Can I Get a Witness 3. Casey Jones 4. Poison Ivy 5. Greensleeves 6. Ratrace 7. Hey! Bo Diddley 8. Think (About It) 9. Never Like This
Tempestuous young Ivy (Drew Barrymore) befriends introverted teen Sylvie (Sara Gilbert) and seduces her way into the lives of Sylvie's wealthy family in Poison Ivy. In the piquant follow-up, Poison...