New foes, new friends, and dozens of never-before-seen Pokemon await Ash and Pikachu in Pokemon: BW Rival Destinies, the new season of the Pokemon animated series. As Ash and his friends continue to...
Deep within the Forest of Okoya, the Mythical Pok?mon Zarude live in a troop and maintain a strict rule that forbids outsiders from entering their territory. Elsewhere in the jungle lives Koko, a...
A young athlete whose running days might be behind her, a compulsive liar, a shy researcher, a bitter old woman, and a little girl with a big secret-the only thing they have in common is the annual...
You know about Pokemon. They're tiny creatures that can fit in your pocket. But that doesn't mean they don't also provide big entertainment! Ash, the world's greatest trainer/Pokemaster, plunges into...
Movie 1: The adventure explodes into action with the debut of Mewtwo, a bio-engineered Pok?mon created from the DNA of Mew, the rarest of all Pok?mon. After escaping from the lab where it was...