Isao Takahata's outr? ecological fable Pom Poko was the no. 1 domestic film in Japan in 1994, and the first animated feature to be submitted for the Oscar for Foreign Language Film. In 1967, the...
Norwegian quartet Pom Poko met while all studying at the Trondheim Music Conservatory in Norway. They begun playing and writing together and quickly began to garner interest from a wider audience...
From acclaimed Japanese animation writer/director Isao Takahata comes this wildly entertaining "tale" of a raccoon community whose residents attempt to save their homes from being destroyed by urban...
Across it's 17 tracks and 69 minutes, POM POM is unfiltered Ariel Pink, featuring infectious tales of romance, murder, frog princes and Jell-O. The record sees the Los Angeles native strike it out...