Produced by Danny Reisch (Okkervil River, Shearwater, White Denim), this 2015 album follows up on the breakout success that came with the release of Crooks debut LP The Rain Will Come. Named one of...
Afterdreams Wildfire CD1. The Flames Are Alive (Intro) 2. Make Me Free 3. Mystery 4. Spellbound 5. Wildfire 6. Our Fate 7. Hearts Reaction 8. Princess of My Darkness 9. Hard to Love 10. Follow Your...
Comprised of four former members of Crowe's New South, along with Vestal, Wildfire's debut is an attention-grabbing effort filled with virtuoso picking, well-chosen albeit slightly commercial-leaning...
30 hot R&B songs. Track listing: I Don't Want a Sweetheart - Raindrops, Take Off Like a Bird - Ramblin Red Bailey, Mama You've Had Your Day - Arlie Duff, Froggy Went a Courtin/They Don't Know -...