Unfolding in a series of mythic vignettes, this late work by Akira Kurosawa (Seven Samurai, Ran) brings eight of the beloved director's own nighttime visions, informed by tales from Japanese...
Academy Award winning director Akira Kurosawa ("The Seven Samurai," "Ran"), whose cinematic genius has inspired such classic films as "Star Wars" and "The Magnificent Seven," presents his 28th, and...
Years before Akira Kurosawa changed the face of cinema with such iconic works as Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Yojimbo, he made his start in the Japanese film industry with four popular and...
Inner Space is the first piece that Yumi wrote. It holds a special place in her heart. It's why she wanted to re-arrange the piece for this production, to show the full spectrum and evolution of her...