Once there was a writer, a creator of tales, who was blessed with the ability to bring his stories to life. But when the writer dies before his story is finished, what becomes of the characters left...
Princess Principal the Complete Series contains episodes 1-12 of the anime directed by Hasaki Tachibana. Early in the 20th century, the discovery of Cavorite, an anti-gravity substance, gave birth to...
Stateside release of the 1997 masterpiece from Japanese animation wizard Hayao Miyazaki ("My Neighbor Totoro") is set in Japan's Muromachi era, when a boar god infects a prince with a seemingly...
Delightful comedy, based on a true story, about a mysterious young woman who appears one day in a 19th-century English village and, believed to be a princess from a distant country, is taken in by...
High schooler Kokone (voiced by Mitsuki Takahata) had problems when her car designer dad (Y?suke Eguchi) was accused by his ex-employer of trade secret theft and jailed. Her response mechanism was to...