A true original of the science-fiction genre, The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across The 8th Dimension is a qualified cult classic, featuring some of the most unusual, bizarre and electrifying...
An old dark house... a double murder... a beautiful heiress... a ghoulish staff... a message from the grave... and to sort it all out, two of the most comically inept bunglers ever to give private...
In world where journalism is under attack, Marie Colvin (Academy Award nominee Rosamund Pike) is one of the most celebrated war correspondents of our time. Her mission is to show the true cost of...
At the snooty Cherryvale Academy for Women, two girls - one nice, the other not - have their sights set on the same guy, a student at the neighboring Freemount Academy for Men. Comic shennanigans...