Holly Kennedy is beautiful, smart and married to the love of her life a passionate, funny, and impetuous Irishman named Gerry. So when Gerry's life is taken by an illness, it takes the life out of...
In this wildly funny hit comedy, Paul Rudd (KNOCKED UP) gets engaged to the girl of his dreams but has not a single guy friend to be his Best Man until he meets the ultimate dude, Jason Segal...
Keira Knightley, Helen Mirren, Jim Sturgess, and Diego Luna head an all-star cast in this sparkling film from the producers of PARIS, JE T'AIME. Set against the vivid backdrop of Berlin, BERLIN, I...
A superbly crafted, gentle love story with Jewish history and law at it's core; as well as a beautiful period piece which shows life in 19th century Jerusalem. Under Levirate law, as outlined in the...