From award-winning director Michael Mann (Miami Vice, Collateral) comes the film inspired by one of the country's most captivating and infamous outlaws - John Dillinger. Johnny Depp (Pirates of the...
Now back in France, Mesrine is finally in police custody and facing justice for his crimes. After escaping a courtroom and kidnapping the judge at gunpoint, Mesrine is declared Public Enemy Number 1...
Charlton Heston plays an aging and deeply hurting professional football hero who cannot accept the fact that he is through. His wife drifts away into her own life. He has an abortive affair. There is...
Number Ones is a collection of all the international #1 hits on one DVD. Includes an interactive scrapbook with details of all the ABBA #1's and a DVD-Rom with screensaver and wallpaper. Also...
Early 1930's tabloids screamed out the nefarious activities of the Purple Gang, the Detroit mob that viciously controlled regional bootlegging and vice rackets. By 1935, when the Purple leadership...