London-based trio Public Service Broadcasting have created their own unique brand of art rock (call it History Rock) that dives deep into a historical subjects and creates a compelling body of work...
2017 release from the British duo. Public Service Broadcasting are a London-based pseudonymous musical duo consisting of J. Willgoose, Esq. On guitar, banjo, other stringed instruments, samplings and...
London-based trio Public Service Broadcasting have created their own unique brand of art rock (call it History Rock) that dives deep into a historical subjects and creates a compelling body of work...
Following the critical and commercial success of their debut album in 2013 and 18 months' extensive touring & festival appearances, Public Service Broadcasting are releasing their eagerly...
Ronnie Earl is one of the most revered guitar players working today. Earl, along with the Broadcasters, his band of over 25 years, presents GOOD NEWS, a mostly instrumental album of spellbinding...