With his cavalier adventuring causing him to burn through eight lives, Puss in Boots (voiced by Antonio Banderas) settled for reluctant retirement in a cat lady's colony. Tipped to the existence of a...
Includes: Puss In Boots (2011)Everyone knows Puss in Boots (Antonio Banderas) from the "Shrek" films, but years before meeting the green ogre, the swashbuckling feline had his own animated adventure...
When his father dies, uptight Englishman Charlie is forced to run his family's struggling shoe company. After meeting outrageous female impersonator Lola, he becomes convinced that he can save the...
Deputy Marshal and bounty hunter Luke Welsh (Charles Bronson) rides into town on the trail of an outlaw. Luke finds the wanted man and kills him in a fair gunfight, but the townspeople prevent him...