The world of CARS takes flight in PLANES, Disney's high-flying animated comedy revved up with action and adventure. Join Dusty, a crop duster with sky-high dreams and a once-in-a-lifetime chance to...
Heist artist Jack Reese (Adam "Edge" Copeland) had to make good-or else-after a botched assignment for mob boss Darius "The Rumble" Grouch (Kelsey Grammer). All he had to do was book passage on an...
Neither the storm that forced airline pilot Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) to land his plane in an isolated region of the Philippines, nor the fact that he was transporting convicted killer Louis...
Nelville Flynn escorts a witness onto a plane headed for Los Angeles. Problem is, an assassin who is bent on killing the witness has released a crate containing about 450 snakes onto the same plane...