Helen Mirren won a Best Actress Oscar for her performance as Queen Elizabeth II in this gripping biodrama. In the wake of Princess Diana's tragic death in 1997, the Queen and newly elected British...
When he suddenly finds himself without his long-standing blue-collar job, Larry Crowne (Tom Hanks) enrolls at his local college to start over. There, he becomes part of an eclectic community of...
During one night s patrol, veteran cop (Thomas Jane)and his rookie partner (Luke Kleintank) chase down violent suspects while searching for a missing girl all the while hunting two cop killers in Los...
Returning to her small hometown to join the constabulary, still-single DS Matilda Stone (Olivia Vinall) braced for the anticipated meddling from hovering aunts Beth (Sarah Woodward), Cat (Julie...
This documentary tells the story of how Queen Elizabeth's experiences during WWII as a 13-year-old princess shaped her life and prepared her to be the longest ruling monarch in British history...