Helen Mirren won a Best Actress Oscar for her performance as Queen Elizabeth II in this gripping biodrama. In the wake of Princess Diana's tragic death in 1997, the Queen and newly elected British...
Greta Garbo stars in one of her greatest roles, as the 17th century Swedish queen fiercely devoted to her country who fights at the head of her army like a man but who loves like a woman-Queen...
When four girlfriends - bad girl Sam, influencer Lauryn, trophy fianc?e Zoe and the devout Audra - find themselves down on their luck, they decide to rob a ruthless Rastafarian jewel thief by conning...
In this dark, gothic fairy tale for adults, Ray Lovelock plays David, a lone hippie motorcyclist, cruising the highways, in search of a better world. One night on a lonely mountain road he stops to...