Based on a true story, this inspiring drama centers on the relationship between high school football coach Harold Jones (Ed Harris) and James "Radio" Kennedy (Cuba Gooding, Jr.), a shy, mentally...
Rudy Rock-solid, immensely entertaining, based-on-fact account of Rudy Ruettiger (Sean Astin), a working-class boy intent on realizing his dreams of playing football at Notre Dame.
An offbeat, low budget film which follows the exploits of three rock and roll performers who rob money from a club owner when he stiffs them. Leading the trio is Jeff, a singer trapped in a dead end...
Radio Samurai follows the adventures of disk-jockey Gene Roseberry. After losing his job and breaking up with his girlfriend, Gene resolves to do whatever it takes to get them back. He teams up with...
Ronnie Earl, one of the world's most acclaimed guitar players for over 35 years, is captured live on DVD for the first time. The Hope Radio Sessions features many of the songs included on the hit...