Since it's debut nearly four decades ago, the Rambo series starring Sylvester Stallone has become one of the most iconic action-movie franchises of all time. An ex-Green Beret haunted by memories of...
In the fifth (and, purportedly, final) chapter in the saga of John Rambo (Sylvester Stallone, who also co-wrote), the grizzled former Green Beret and Vietnam veteran is living a quiet life on an...
Rambo 4: The next chapter finds Rambo recruited by missionaries to protect them during a humanitarian aid effort on behalf of the persecuted Karen people of Burma. After the missionaries are taken...
He never fought a battle he couldn't win; except the conflict raging within his own soul. Academy Award-nominee Sylvester Stallone stars as war hero John Rambo. An ex-Green Beret haunted by memories...