From the legendary mind of master creator Rumiko Takahashi, the mixed-up, madcap, martial arts romantic comedy Ranma 1/2 returns. After taking a surprise dip in a cursed spring while on a training...
Sentaro, successor to Martial Arts Tea Ceremony, makes Ranma battle the grand master as his wife to break off his arranged marriage meeting. Does Ranma have what it takes to master this new form of...
Ranma is challenged by Ryoga to fight yet again, but this time he is completely defeated by Ryoga's new technique, the "Lion's-Roar Blast." It is said that the more miserable the user, the stronger...
A mysterious young man who uses pantyhose as a weapon steals the Jusenkyo guestbook and kidnaps Akane. In order to save her, Ranma teams up with Ryoga, Mousse, and Shampoo, but the young man, like...
1. The Strange Stranger from China 2. School is No Place for Horsing Around!3. A Sudden Storm of Love Hey, Wait a Minute!4. Ranma and Ranma? If It's Not One Thing, It's Another 5. Love Me to the...