The year after the all-star Grand Hotel, brothers John and Lionel Barrymore teamed again in Rasputin and the Empress. Joining them in a sumptuous and stirring tale about the often-called Mad Monk who...
John Drew Barrymore, Edmund Purdom, Gianna Canale. An atmospheric retelling of the rise and fall of Rasputin, whose seemingly supernatural powers made the czarina into a hypnotic slave. Barrymore...
Transformed into a hardened criminal during a lengthy stint in prison, French-Arab gangster Malik (Tahar Rahim) finds himself capable-out of life-or-death necessity-of carrying out his first act of...
The Prophet is a documentary-style dramatization of Kahlil Gibran's classic best-selling book, as realized for the screen by director Roberto Quagliano. Featuring the talents of Pino Colizzi,...
Jon 141, an alien from another planet, is trapped in the chaotic world of intergalactic reality TV. On the weekly TV show, he is forced to fight for higher ratings and, mor importantly, his life.