From the award-winning director of Comic Book Confidential and Grass comes Tales of the Rat Fink, Ron Mann's wildly inventive bio about Renaissance man Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, who engineered a shift in...
A perplexing and fascinating mix of psychological drama and black comedy, Joel and Ethan Coen's award-winning film stars John Turturro as Barton Fink, a '40s New York playwright hired by a Hollywood...
Australia, 1939: A trio of cattle drovers-Bluey Donkin (Grant Taylor), Milo Trent (Chips Rafferty), and visiting Brit Peter Linton (Peter Finch)-heeded the call as the country became engaged in World...
This exciting follow-up to "The Desert Fox" focuses on Captain "Tammy" MacRoberts (Richard Burton), a British army officer who bravely commands an Australian unit defending Tobruk against Rommel and...