Thirteen-year-old Jessica Daniels accidentally unleashes a demon from a reel-to-reel player, which also happens to be a doorway to the dark side. She musters her science-fair-winning brainpower and...
A cocky businessman (Michael Douglas) spends his spare time big-game hunting. But when he hires an earnest young guide (Jeremy Irvine) to take him deep into the Mojave Desert in search of prey, but...
Slam-bang actioner stars Steven Seagal as William Lansing, a former covert CSA agent who helps an orphaned Polish girl find a foster home. But when Lansing discovers that the orphanage is being used...
The popular sci-fi video game comes to life in this three-part animated web series, as the 26h-century battle between humanity's SPARTAN defenders-whose numbers include the fearless fighter Master...