The charismatic Irish ensemble Reeltime brings new dimentions to traditional Celtic music, combining stellar insturmental skill with a genius for arranging. Their music has that incredible enery and lift found only in the very best IRish music, but goes even futher, with swining jazz chording an exquisite efects from electrick instruments and contemproary production. This album is a collection of reels, jigs, waltzes and songs that reflect the group's diverse abilities.
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1. The Trucks of Bohermore: The Bucks of Oranmore/Gan Ainm/Over the Moor to Maggie 2. Swaggering Jigs: Australian Waters/A Drink of Water/Gan Ainm 3. Sile 4. Hayes and Hayes 5. Guinness in Germany: Lads of Laois/Trip to Herves 6. Believe Me 7. Nashville Brats 8. The Mountains of Pomeroy 9. Mountbellew to Milan: Kate's Bar/The Italian Fiddler/Mountbellew Hardware 10. Garfield's Swing: Gan Ainm/Gan Ainm/President Garfields 11. Buachaill on Eirne 12. Musette a Teresa 13. Larch on Oak: Larch/Set American 1 ; 2 Partie/Oak/Colonel Rodney