Eagerly awaited debut from this exciting Progressive Punk band from Ireland and Sweden. With their self titled eight track release, they offer an overdue insight into their progressive Celtic punk...
3CD Deluxe Edition of Reg King's self-titled solo album from 1971 containing all his solo recordings. Featuring musicians from The Action/Mighty Baby and Blossom Toes/B. B. Blunder. Original copies...
Scott 4 Works Project Lp CD1. Catastrophe 2. Troubles 1 2 3 3. Hallo Doctor 4. Lefturno 5. Das Junior 6. We're Not Robots 7. May Last 8. Lilla B Boy Lullaby 9. Scott 4 Travel on Electri 10. Applied...
Archive Project Archive Project CD1. The Barefit Lasses 2. Cas Na Caora 3. Samhainn 4. Nam Bithinn Mar Eun Air Sgiathaibh 5. The Mirror Monkey 6. Oysters and Herring 7. The Devil's Gramophone 8...
Laya Project's musicians are the people of coastal and surrounding communities in the 2004 tsunami-affected regions of Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar and India. The production is...