In this heartfelt drama, Harrison Ford plays Henry Turner, a sleazy legal eagle who is shot in the head during a convenience store robbery, resulting in brain damage and amnesia. Henry realizes he...
Capped by one of the most famous speeches ever written, Shakespeare's Henry V recalls a truly great English victory. With comic sub-plots to be found among Henry's soldiers, the production boasts...
Henry VIII is one of Shakespeare's final plays, a political thriller based on the power struggle between the Tudor court and the eponymous king's ambitious first minister, Cardinal Wolsey. Though...
Strap in. "Hardcore Henry" is one of the most unflinchingly original wild-rides to hit the big screen in a long time: You remember nothing. Mainly because you've just been brought back from the dead...
Widowed farmer Henry (Tim Blake Nelson) and his young son Wyatt (Gavin Lewis) were tending the homestead when the wounded Curry (Scott Haze) stumbled to the door with a satchel of cash. Their...