Reggae Jammin / Var Reggae Jammin / Var CD1. Japanese Title 2. Japanese Title 3. Japanese Title 4. Japanese Title 5. Japanese Title 6. Japanese Title 7. Japanese Title 8. Japanese Title 9. Japanese...
Jammin Jamaica / Various Jammin Jamaica / Various CD1. Double Barrel 2. Johnny Dollar 3. Mother Liza 4. Peacemaker 5. You, Me and She 6. Voice of the Ghetto 7. Between the Sheets 8. Lovers Paradise 9...
Two CDs. First ever reissue of 2 iconic Trojan albums. Numerous tracks new to CD. Includes some of the biggest reggae hits from the early 1970s. Originally released by Trojan Records in 1972, the...
Informal jam session organized & recorded by Rudi Blesh in 1951; the first session includes Conrad Janis, Tom Sharpsteen, Eubie Blake, Danny Barker, Pops Foster +; the second session includes...