Pietro Marcello, one of contemporary cinema's most versatile talents, follows up his dramatic breakthrough Martin Eden with this enchanting period fable. Shortly after World War I, veteran Rapha?l...
Amidst Robespierre?s Reign of Terror, when the guillotine was always at the ready, the Scarlet Pimpernel (Richard E. Grant) defies the Revolutionaries to rescue the innocent. Yet the Pimpernel?s...
It takes a spy to catch a spy in this rousing Revolutionary War adventure directed by John Sturges and starring Cornel Wilde Michael Wilding Anne Francis and George Sanders. When top-secret military...
Screen favorites Gregory Peck (TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD) and Christopher Plummer (THE SOUND OF MUSIC) star in THE SCARLET AND THE BLACK, a riveting World War II drama based on a true story of moral...