In this psychological horror film, Zeljko Ivanek (TV's Damages, Argo) stars as John Doe #83, a patient admitted to a psychiatric hospital after a suicide attempt. When Dr. Gail Farmer (Kathryn...
RETURN TO SEOUL is the compelling and unpredictable film from director Davy Chou (Diamond Island). Freddie (explosive newcomer Park Ji-min) has returned South Korea for the first time since her...
During the London Blitz, centuries-old vampire Armand Tesla (Bela Lugosi) is freed from the prison of slumber he's been in ever since he was staked through the chest over two decades earlier...
The Man of Steel flies back to the silver screen in this thrilling adventure directed by Bryan Singer ("X-Men"). Following a five-year absence from Earth, Superman (Brandon Routh) resumes his old...